Scenario Library
A database of scenarios shared by financial firms around the world from ORX Scenarios

Scenarios in the library

Firms participating

L2 risk event types
The ORX Scenarios Library is a comprehensive database for operational risk scenario practitioners. The library allows ORX Scenarios subscribers to benchmark their internal scenarios against the industry.
The Scenario Library provides a solid foundation for creating, updating and validating your operational risk scenarios. The library is available to all ORX Scenarios subscribers.
How does it work?
Every year, each financial institution that subscribes to ORX Scenarios shares their most severe scenarios through our secure Insight platform.
After rigorous quality assurance, we then publish a database of anonymised scenarios with accompanying reports. Our subscribers currently have access to over 1000 scenarios across different business lines, sizes and regions shared by over 60 financial firms.
How does the library help scenario practice?
The ORX Scenario Library helps you see how your scenarios compare to those of your peers. You can use the scenarios in the library in workshops as examples and to facilitate discussion.
You can also benchmark your submissions, comparing severity estimates; financial and non-financial impacts; risk drivers; and likelihood. To make this easy for our subscribers we've created some standard reports on the library.
Standard reports
1. Scenario list report
2. Scenario extended list report
3. Scenario card report
4. Scenario focus report
5. Scenario portfolio benchmark report
Scenario list report
The most versatile report, this displays scenario records in an Excel format. It's ideal for running analysis on the Scenario Library.
Scenario extended list report
Provided in a similar format to the list report, this report collates scenarios with the same categorisation in one tab, reducing analysis time.
Scenario card report
This report shows information about an individual scenario. It's useful for enhancing how information is collected and shared during scenario workshops.
Scenario focus report
This report compares a scenario against similar scenarios submitted by other institutions for the same risk category.
Scenario focus report
This report compares subscribers’ individual submissions against the library. The ideal tool to sense check whether your internal scenario portfolio aligns with the industry.
Latest reports on the library
Access the library with ORX Scenarios
The Scenario Library is only available to firms that subscribe to ORX Scenarios.
As well as access to a unique industry library, ORX Scenarios provides you with research, practice benchmark studies and guides to creating scenarios. By subscribing to the service, you also become part of a specialist global practitioner network that share ideas and discuss challenges and solutions. You don't need to be a member of ORX to subscribe to ORX Scenarios.
"We chiefly use the ORX Scenario library to support the process of the assessment of the most significant scenarios. The risk drivers and the cost components facilitate the estimations of the SMEs."
ORX Scenarios subscriber
Enhance your scenario programme with the Scenario Library

what the most material scenarios are for your peers

the full database as inspiration when developing or refreshing your scenarios

into your individual scenarios and compare severity, likelihood, risk drivers and impacts to similar peer scenarios
"The ORX Scenario Library is used a reference as well as a guide to identify relevant scenario topics trending across the globe and our local geography. Sometimes, these topics help us to drive internal discussions with stakeholders to identify unexpected risks and associated narratives."
ORX Scenarios subscriber