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Get the latest operational risk loss events with ORX News

The hub that puts global loss events at your fingertips


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Blue vivid image of globe. Globalization concept. Elements of this image are furnished by NASA

The industry’s leading source of operational risk loss events and analysis

Whether you’re looking to enrich your operational risk loss data with external data, train employees on what losses could happen at your firm or enhance your scenario development, ORX News can help.

ORX News is an industry-leading provider of publicly reported operational risk loss events from around the world. Subscribe to ORX News for data and analysis specifically covering the banking, insurance and asset management sectors.

With ORX News you can learn about the latest global operational risk losses from news digests written by our dedicated team of researchers. These digests summarise the key information and categorise the loss, allowing you to easily use the data for modelling, benchmarking and scenarios. Editorial content and Deep Dives provide you with even more insight and analysis of important losses and trends. 






News digests



Deep Dives



Editorial reports

Why subscribe to ORX News?

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Stay up to date with global op risk losses

A team of specialist researchers summarise publicly reported loss events from around the world, which are available on the ORX News platform within 72 hours. Each news digest is written in English and provides you with the key details from an operational risk perspective.

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Categorised for easy searching & reporting

All loss events are tagged with 50+ dimensions, including the relevant reporting standards and taxonomy category so you can easily find relevant events and use the information to supplement your internal loss data or for modelling and scenarios.

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Deep Dives and editorial reports provide further insights

Learn more about losses you’re especially interested in by requesting a Deep Dive on a particular loss – subscribers can request three free Deep Dives each year. You can also access our library of over 120 Deep Dives and more than 500 editorial reports for detailed insights and analysis.

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API to integrate with your own systems

Automatically pull ORX News data into your own system (for example your GRC platform) through the ORX News API. Use the API to seamlessly pull through information and enhance your existing reports and dashboards.

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Uses the ORX Reference Taxonomy

ORX News uses the ORX Reference Taxonomy in addition to the Basel categories to reflect current operational risk practice. Each digest is tagged with both the level 1 and level 2 ORX Operational Risk Reference Taxonomy category.

Who subscribes to ORX News?

Monzo logo
Nomura logo
Natwest logo
Citi logo

See who else subscribes to ORX News

Download free resources from ORX News

How to use ORX News: Search by region e.g. North America


How to use ORX News: Finding losses by business line
How to use ORX News: Search by scenario, focusing on cyber events 
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How to subscribe to ORX News

Book a call today to find out more about ORX News. You don’t need to be a member of ORX to subscribe to ORX News, and in addition to the full ORX News subscription we also offer bespoke packages tailored to your requirements.


Book a consultation to learn more about ORX News


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Book a free consultation to learn more about ORX News

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"We leverage the ORX News service to a great extent, not only to inform our scenario analysis program but also to inform our business risk committees."

ORX News subscriber


How much does it cost to subscribe to ORX News?

The annual subscription for ORX News in 2024 is £39,500 per institution. Or, if your firm is currently a member of ORX then you pay just £23,400, saving over £15,000 a year! We also offer packages tailored specifically to your needs (for example focused on a single region). To find out more about options book a short call to speak to one of our sales team.

Do I need to be a member of ORX to subscribe to ORX News?

You don’t need to be a member of ORX to subscribe to ORX News.

How many users can I set up on the ORX News platform?

Each subscribing firm can set up an unlimited amount of users on the ORX News platform, meaning you can share the benefits and information across your organisation.

Which firms subscribe to ORX News?

Take a look at the ORX News map to see who is part of our community.

See who else subscribes to ORX News

What’s included in an ORX News subscription?

  • Digests summarising operational risk loss events from around the world
  • Library of 120+ Deep Dives
  • Editorial reports & content
  • Request up to three new Deep Dives a year
  • API to pull data to your own systems
  • Unlimited amount of users on the platform
  • Custom email alerts for each user
  • ORX News map to visualise losses
  • Videocasts and webinars
  • Advanced search and filters
  • Export ORX News data to pdf and csv