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Agora: A new platform to replace Insight

Improving ORX’s data exchange services


About the project

Following many discussions with risk leaders across the world, and our work on developing standards and reference libraries, we know that the operational risk needs around data have changed significantly over the past decade.

People need data for effective and dynamic risk management, as well as to contribute to their firm's success, in addition to risk measurement and capital modelling.  

We have a clear vision of what the future of data exchange looks like, and we want to continue to be at the forefront of the industry in this area. We are therefore improving our data services by building Agora, a next generation platform for effective data exchange, set to launch in the second half of 2025.

Latest project updates 

Let us know what administrative requirements you will have for ORX

We would be grateful if you could please let us know by the end of February what administrative requirements - particularly regarding information security - you will have for ORX to allow you to use Agora. Please email and we would be happy to answer any questions. 

Complete the information security review

We're asking all firms that use Insight to review and confirm they've seen our latest information security document (please forward the document to the most relevant person if your organisation if necessary).

👉 Find out more and review the information security document
Loss Data Calendar 2025 now available

Each year, we produce a data cycle calendar outlining the submission dates for each of our services. Our current plan is for the first Data Cycle on Agora to take place in C4 (10 November to 21 November 2025).

👉 Download the Data Cycle Calendar

Key information about Agora

A modern platform for loss data exchange and analytics

By the fourth quarter of 2025, ORX will have developed Agora, a new state-of-the-art, highly secure platform built on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud technology that delivers industry-grade security, availability, reliability and scalability. 

Agora will provide a more intuitive and easier-to-navigate platform, allowing you to seamlessly share your data with ORX and benefit from modern, interactive dashboard reporting.

Agora will be used to host all of our data services, including: 

How are we improving our loss data services? 

To achieve our vision and meet the changing needs of our members and service subscribers, we will be improving our loss data services.  

As part of this project, we will be: 

1. Adding the ORX Reference Taxonomy to all losses on a go-forward basis

Agora will include the ORX Reference Taxonomy for event types for all new losses.

Based on research by ORX, this taxonomy reflects current risk management priorities like information security and third-party risk. It is more relevant to today’s business environment than the Basel II Event Types and uses contemporary language. It also allows cross-referencing to other ORX libraries such as Controls, Risk Indicators, and Key Processes.

Including the ORX Reference Taxonomy in Agora will give you access to more relevant risk reporting, including:

  •  Ready-made reports on a range of relevant and contemporary risk event types such as cyber and third-party risks
  • More effective benchmarks comparing your organisation’s risk profile against the industry
  • The ability to analyse trends in key risks.
A common risk language 

The ORX Reference Taxonomy establishes a common language across ORX resources, allowing ORX to provide you with rich insights and analysis on key topics while also linking ORX News, ORX Scenarios and Top Risk Reports. 

2. Adding risk theme flags to large losses
  • New flags will enable reporting on broader risk themes like Climate, Cyber or Resilience
3. Tidying and simplifying the data schema
  • The submission template will be easier to use, with unused and redundant fields removed and field names simplified
4. Incorporating modern and interactive loss data reporting and analytics

Agora will incorporate AWS QuickSight reporting which will provide users with easy-to-use, interactive dashboard reporting including:

  • Interactive views of the industry loss profile incorporating the ORX Reference Risk Taxonomy, to help you identify key risk areas more effectively
  • Benchmark reporting that enables you to compare your organisation's loss history against industry trends, supporting your decision-making
  • Trend analysis that highlights top industry risks and changing risk profile, helping you proactively manage emerging threats

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