ORX Cyber Event Data Exchange
A database of cyber risk events shared by financial institutions through ORX Cyber.
Cyber events
Data fields
Access cyber event data
The ORX Cyber event data exchange is a unique service only available to firms that subscribe to ORX Cyber. It gives financial organisations essential insights into cyber risk events across the industry, including financial and non-financial impacts.
This service allows firms to exchange information relating to cyber risk events in a completely secure and anonymised way through our bespoke Insight system. Firms that subscribe to ORX Cyber have access to a wealth of data to support the management and measurement of cyber risk.
To ensure that our subscribers receive high-quality data in a standard, comparable format, all data is submitted in line with the ORX Cyber Operational Risk Reporting Standards.
The cyber event dataset gives you a deeper understanding of cyber and information security exposure, trends, and control gaps. It provides vital information to support financial services firms with trend analysis, peer benchmarking, decision making and budgeting, control effectiveness and scenario analysis, all focused specifically on cyber risk.
Four submissions a year
Data is submitted by our subscribers four times a year (known as a data cycle). Once all the data has been uploaded, it is checked for quality before being made available to all service users for analysis and reporting.
Reports to help you analyse the data
After each data cycle, we share insights on the data with subscribers. Subscribers can currently explore event frequencies across a wide range of parameters using the Cyber Data Explorer in the Insight platform. We are also actively developing additional self-service pre-built reports, including benchmarking reports.
How you can use the data

Trend analysis
Understanding cyber risk trends across the industry

Risk assessment
Understanding control effectiveness and the risk landscape

Use trusted data to support risk management decisions and budgeting
Data analysis

Quarterly Information Packs
Following each quarterly data cycle, the ORX Cyber team produce an information pack summarising key trends identified in the cyber risk event dataset.

Cyber Event Data Infographics
Take a look at the latest infographic for an overview of the data submitted in the most recent ORX Cyber Event Data cycle.
Find out more

Cyber Operational Risk Reporting Standards
The Cyber Operational Risk Reporting Standards define the requirements for reporting cyber events to ORX Cyber, ensuring consistency for our subscribers.

Information, guides and templates
If you're already part of ORX Cyber, then you can visit this page for further information and support for cyber event data submission, including data cycle dates, upload templates and user guides.

ORX Cyber
To benefit from the Cyber Event Data Exchange you need to be an ORX Cyber subscriber. With ORX Cyber, you can access data, benchmarking, resources and more to support cyber risk management.