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Unlocking the ORX Scenarios Analysis Workbooks: Your Essential Guide


ORX Scenarios has introduced a series of Scenario Analysis Workbooks that provide essential support in developing, analysing, and evaluating the quantitative and qualitative elements of key scenarios.

The workbooks are available to all firms that subscribe to ORX Scenarios. Read on to discover how the range Scenario Analysis Workbooks can benefit financial firms and improve operational risk scenario practice.

About the workbooks

ORX Scenarios’ new Scenario Analysis Workbook series has been developed to make the scenario development and review process easier, more efficient and more comprehensive.

Workbooks currently available

We have a range of Scenario Analysis Workbooks already available to subscribers on our website, including:

  1. Cyber risk events
  2. Damage to organisation’s physical asset
  3. Internal fraud committed against customers or clients or third or fourth parties
  4. Internal fraud committed against the organisation
  5. Improper market practices
  6. Third party management control failure
  7. Data privacy breach and confidentiality mismanagement

Over the coming months and throughout 2025, the ORX Scenarios team will continue to develop further workbooks on key categories.

What each workbook offers

  • Up-to-date, data-driven scenario analysis guidance based on current industry trends identified in the Scenario Library
  • A comprehensively standardised view of current industry data, with all key scenario components being mapped to relevant ORX categorisations (event, causes, impacts, controls, drivers)
  • One or more scenario examples illustrating the main storyline theme(s) contained in the Scenario Library for the relevant risk type

How to use the workbooks

Save time

Use the workbooks as a tool when developing or reviewing a scenario can save significant time.

Highlight gaps

The format and structure of the workbooks help highlight gaps in any institutional scenario across all key components.

Help discussion

Used as a workshop tool, the workbooks can help discussion on both the key themes of a scenario and the key components.

Support training

Help new team members and scenario owners understand the different components and associations of a scenario.

Provide a baseline

The granular, detailed example scenarios provide a strong baseline scenario from which you can develop or expand your own scenario.

ORX Scenarios subscribers can watch a video below outlining in more detail how to use the  Scenario Analysis Workbooks.


If you're an ORX Scenarios subscriber, watch the video for more information about the series

If your firm subscribes to ORX Scenarios, log in or register to watch the video.

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