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Basel III SMA implementation tracker


On 4 March 2016 the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) proposed a new Standardised Measurement Approach (SMA) for Pillar 1 operational risk capital. It proposed that the SMA replaces all existing basic, standardised and advanced approaches for calculating operational risk capital requirements. This tracker summarises plans for SMA implementation by jurisdiction.

The finalised guidance – published in December 2017 – offered national discretion on: 


The use of loss data


The use of loss data for small banks

Median Loss_Cyan

A higher threshold for which losses are included

The BCBS’ stated aim was achieve an appropriate balance between simplicity, comparability, and risk sensitivity for operational risk capital calculations. It also expected the revisions to have a relatively neutral impact on capital. 

We've previously done a number of detailed studies to assess the effect of the SMA on the industry, including a study on thecapital impact of the SMAwhich is freely available for you to read. We've also carried out a number of research projects for our members – including the capital benchmarking survey. 

ORX has also published a lessons learnt paper which has analysed the direction of travel of regulatory implementation around loss data quality, focusing on Canada where loss history has been included in the capital calculation.

As different regulatory bodies share their plans for Basel III, we'll update this page with information about their decisions and highlighting key areas of difference. If you have any updates please send them to  

We will also have a standing item at the Banking Definitions Working Group looking at different national regulator requirements and guidance for the Internal Loss Multiplier component for Basel III SMA, if the regulator is not setting the loss multiplier = 1. 

The BCBS also publishes a progress report on the implementation of the Basel regulatory framework. The October 2024 press release has the latest detail on implementation in 27 jurisdictions and the European Union.

Summary of SMA implementation by jurisdiction 

Implementation timeline for operational risk capital 
Loss History included 
Loss data for smaller institutions 

Australia (APRA) 

1 January 2023 


Not applicable 

Canada (OSFI) 

1 February 2023 


Only if approved for Standardised Approach 

Europe (EBA) 

1 January 2025 



South Africa (SARB) 

1 July 2025 

Yes, under consultation

No, under consultation

Switzerland (FINMA) 

1 January 2025



United Kingdom (PRA) 

1 January 2027



United States (Fed) 

Not confirmed 

No, under consultation

No, under consultation 

India (RBI) 

Not confirmed 


No for firms with BI of less than INR 80 billion 

Singapore (MAS) 

1 July 2024 


Optional for firms with a BI of less than SGD 1.5 billion 

Summary of differences in implementation and capital impact 

Australia (APRA)

Status:Confirmed, 12 June 2019 
Loss history included:No
Loss data for smaller institutions:  No 
Higher threshold:N/A  
Implementation timeline: 1 January 2023

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Canada (OSFI)

Status:Confirmed, 18 July 2019 
Loss history included: Yes  
Loss data for smaller institutions:  Smaller firms with Adjusted Gross Income below CAD 1.5 billion can use the Simplified Standardised Approach (no loss data component) or the Standardised Approach with OSFI approval
Higher threshold: Losses over CAD 30,000 should be included in loss history 
Implementation timeline: Fiscal Q2 2023 - February 1, 2023 for institutions with an October 31st year end and April 1, 2023 for institutions with a December 31st year end


Basel II standardised transition year in 2020 

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Europe (EBA)

Status:Confirmed, 2 July 2019. Implementation pushed back from January 2023 to January 2025 to allow firms to focus on managing risks stemming from the Covid pandemic
Loss history included:No 
Loss data for smaller institutions: No 
Higher threshold:Supervisors' discretion 
Implementation timeline: 1 January 2025 


Will require banks to systematically identify, disclose and manage Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks, including climate stress testing.

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South Africa

Status: Confirmed, 2021 
Loss history included:  Latest proposal suggests yes for banks with a business indicator greater than or equal to ZAR5 billion
Loss data for smaller institutions: Latest proposal suggests no for banks with a business indicator under ZAR5 billion
Higher threshold: Not specified 
Implementation timeline: 1 July 2025 


Consultation took place with SA banks in H1 2024

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Status: Confirmed, 2022 
Loss history included:  Yes
Loss data for smaller institutions: Not specified 
Higher threshold: Losses over CHF 25,000 should be included in loss history
Implementation timeline: 1 January 2025

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United Kingdom

Status: Confirmed, 2021 
Loss history included:  No 
Loss data for smaller institutions: the PRA considers that Basel 3.1 would be appropriate for all firms
Higher threshold: Not specified 
Implementation timeline:1 January 2027


Reasons given by the PRA for setting the ILM=1 are: 

  • The calculation of the ILM is non-linear – operational risk capital requirements increase more slowly as historical losses increase. The PRA considers that, particularly for situations of large historical losses, more flexible and risk-sensitive approaches are appropriate, including the PRA’s Pillar 2A methodology.  
  • Calculating capital requirements for operational risk is a significant challenge. The loss distribution is unusually ‘fat-tailed’, characterised by infrequent but very large losses, and there is a paucity of data. The PRA considers that low-probability high-impact events, given their heterogeneity, are generally not good predictors of other unlikely events and therefore future losses. In these situations, the ILM may not be sufficiently risk-sensitive. 
  • The PRA considers that the information value of operational risk losses generally diminishes over time as business models and lending activities change. The SA’s use of a 10-year window of unweighted past losses in the ILM could result in it being inappropriately affected by large historical operational risk losses near the start of the 10-year period that might be weak predictors of future losses.

See CP16/22, section 8.24 

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United States

Status:Re-proposal issued by Vice Chair for Supervision Barr in September 2024
Loss history included:No, under consultation
Loss data for smaller institutions:No, under consultation
Higher threshold: Not specified 
Implementation timeline:  Phased transition during 2025-28 


September 2024 re-proposal suggests no longer adjusting a firm’s operational risk charge based on its operational loss history. Explicit requirement to capture descriptive information about loss events greater than USD 20,000. 

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Status:  Requirements issued, timeline for implementation not yet available 
Loss history included:  Yes 
Loss data for smaller institutions: ILM=1 for firms with Business Indicator = INR 80 billion (approx. USD 1 billion) 
Higher threshold: Not specified 
Implementation timeline:  Not specified

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Master Direction on Minimum Capital Requirements for Operational Risk (June 2023) 


Status:  Confirmed 
Loss history included: Yes 
Loss data for smaller institutions:  Banks with a business indicator under SGD 1.5 billion can use loss data or set ILM=1. All firms are required to disclose loss history
Higher threshold: Not specified 
Implementation timeline: 1 July 2024


Implementation Timeline 

Response to Consultation Feedback (December 2020)