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Regional services



Firms participating

Access regional operational risk data

In addition to our two global services, we have six regional services for financial firms based in various areas around the world.

Our regional services allow firms to share a bespoke operational risk dataset, and to perform benchmarks and analysis against a targeted set of data. The services provide invaluable insight into the losses suffered in your area. All data is submitted in line with the freely-available ORX Operational Risk Reporting Standards.

The regional services are open to both members and non-members to subscribe to. Non-members can subscribe for £5,000 and ORX Members can subscribe for £18,000.

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Regional services

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Australian Loss Data

The Australian Loss Data Service gives banks headquartered in Australia the opportunity to exchange loss data on a quarterly basis. 

Guidance for subscribers
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Canadian Loss Data

The Canadian Loss Data Service gives banks headquartered in Canada the opportunity to exchange loss data on a quarterly basis. 

Guidance for subscribers
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Nordic Loss Data

The Nordic Loss Data Service gives banks headquartered in the Nordic region the opportunity to exchange loss data on a quarterly basis. 

Guidance for subscribers
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South African Loss Data

The South African Loss Data Service gives banks headquartered in South Africa the opportunity to exchange loss data on a quarterly basis. 

Guidance for subscribers
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UK Loss Data

The UK Loss Data Service gives banks operating in the UK the opportunity to exchange loss data on a quarterly basis. 

Guidance for subscribers
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US Loss Data

Coming soon: The US Loss Data Service gives banks with a presence in the US the opportunity to exchange loss data on a quarterly basis. 

More information about each service

Australian Loss Data Service overview
About the service
Available to   Banks headquartered in Australia
Launch year   2011
Reporting frequency   Quarterly
Data from   2007
Fee   Members: £5,250
Non-members: £18,750
Standards   Banking Operational Risk Reporting Standards 
Currency   AUD
Loss reporting threshold   AUD 20,000
Large loss threshold   AUD 16,600,000
Geographical coverage   Australia and New Zealand
Canadian Loss Data Service overview
About the service
Available to   Banks headquartered in Canada
Launch year   2008
Reporting frequency   Quarterly
Data from   2004
Fee   Members: £5,250
Non-members: £18,750
Standards   Banking Operational Risk Reporting Standards 
Currency   CAD
Loss reporting threshold   CAD 10,000
Large loss threshold   CAD 10,000,000
Geographical coverage   Global – split between Canada and Rest of World
Nordic Loss Data Service overview
About the service
Available to   Banks operating in the Nordic region
Launch year   2019
Reporting frequency   Quarterly
Data from   2016
Fee   Members: £5,250
Non-members: £18,750
Standards   Banking Operational Risk Reporting Standards 
Currency   EUR
Loss reporting threshold   EUR 20,000
Large loss threshold   EUR 10,000,000
Geographical coverage   Nordic  region (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden)
South African Loss Data Service overview
About the service
Available to   Banks headquartered in South Africa
Launch year   2012
Reporting frequency   Quarterly
Data from   2012
Fee   Members: £5,250
Non-members: £18,750
Standards   Banking Operational Risk Reporting Standards 
Currency   ZAR
Loss reporting threshold   ZAR 50,000
Large loss threshold   ZAR 20,000,000
Geographical coverage   South Africa
UK Loss Data Service overview
About the service
Available to   Banks operating in the UK, including subsidiaries of non-UK headquartered banks (i.e. independent legal entities)
Launch year   2016
Reporting frequency   Quarterly
Data from   2008
Fee   Members: £5,250
Non-members: £18,750
Standards   Banking Operational Risk Reporting Standards (with some modifications)
Currency   GBP
Loss reporting threshold   GBP 10,000
Large loss threshold   GBP 7,000,000
Geographical coverage   UK, excluding Isle of Man and Channel Islands
US Loss Data Service overview
About the service
Available to   Banks with a presence in the US
Launch year   Coming soon
Reporting frequency   Quarterly
Data from   2018
Fee   Members: £5,250
Non-members: £18,750
Standards   Banking Operational Risk Reporting Standards 
Currency   USD
Loss reporting threshold   USD 10,000
Large loss threshold   USD 10,000,000
Geographical coverage   The US

Find out more about the regional services

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