Buy the ORX Greenwashing Scenario Toolkit

Hi, fill in the form with your details to request an invoice for the ORX Greenwashing Scenario Toolkit.

About the toolkit

As the world turns its attention to the urgent threat of climate change, regulators and society are demanding greater accountability from financial organisations. This heightened scrutiny brings with it a new set of risks – including greenwashing.

The ORX Greenwashing Scenario Toolkit will give you all the information you need to create a robust operational risk scenario for this new and growing area of focus.

Fill in the form to request an invoice today. Once we've received your request, we'll get in touch to confirm the price before sending you an invoice.

Payment options

ORX currently accepts payment of invoice by bank transfer.


The toolkit is available to any financial services firm to purchase for a one-off fee of £5,000, with discounts available for existing ORX customers. Once you've requested an invoice, we'll contact you to confirm the price before generating an invoice.

If you have any questions, please contact