ORX Board of Directors
ORX is owned and driven by our members. We work collaboratively towards a future where financial institutions are prepared and resilient, protecting the global economy and all of us from inevitable risks in our constantly evolving world. Our Board is key to helping us achieve this goal.
About our Board
We have a Board of Directors who are the principal decision-making body of ORX. The ORX Board of Directors is made up of 11 individuals, including a maximum of two external directors with the remainder being member representatives.
The Directors is recommended by the ORX Nominations Committee and elected, collectively or individually, by the ORX AGM. The Nominations Committee has a general duty to ensure that the Board is representative of the ORX membership. They recommend individuals to serve as Chair and Vice Chair, the recommendations then require approval by the ORX Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors is the principal decision-making body of ORX. The powers, duties and the functioning of the board result from the Articles of Association and the Organisational Regulations adopted by the Board of Directors.
The board's core responsibilities include:
- Ensuring that all member institutions are treated equally, irrespective of geography, size or sector
- Determining ORX’s strategy, annual business plans and annual budgets
- Determining of the rules and policies of ORX
- Overseeing and regulating of all ORX's subsidiary bodies, including the managing board and sector governing committees
- Appointing the ORX Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Executive Director
- Deciding any sanctions against member organisations
The Articles of Association, and other core documentation, are available on our Governance page.
Meet the ORX Board of Directors
Lisa Broomer, Chair
Jedediah Turner, Vice Chair (Finance)
Giulio Mignola, Vice Chair (Services)
Intensa Sanpaolo
Giulio heads up the Enterprise Risk Management Department, governing Pillar 2 risks, Capital Adequacy, Integrated Risk Reporting, Stress Testing, Operational Risk analytics and Risk Data Aggregation and Reporting framework. He was formerly Head of the Group Operational Risk Management department.