Cyber Horizon 2025
The most significant short- and long-term cyber threats
ORX Cyber
ORX Cyber Community
Risk programme
Management, Practice & Framework
Report - January 2025
Through conversations with the ORX Membership and the ORX Cyber Community, we identified an appetite for a standalone Cyber Horizon report. This pilot study collects institutional views on the most significant emerging cyber threats in both the short term and long term.
For over five years, our annual Operational Risk Horizon Study has been canvassing industry opinion on the emerging risk landscape. Each year, the survey provides an updated ranking of eleven emerging risk categories, one of which is ‘Advancing Cybercrime’. This report complements the Operational Risk Horizon study, by taking an in-depth look at the emerging risk landscape specifically for cyber.
Our full report and the detailed supporting Emerging Cyber Threat Deep Dives report are available to all ORX Cyber subscribers.
“The emerging cyber risk landscape is interconnected and rapidly evolving. Common risk drivers such as artificial intelligence, geopolitics, and complex supply chains are impacting organisations exposure to a multitude of threats. These reports provide a unique perspective on the emerging threat landscape based on views from cyber risk management professionals across the industry.”
Nikki Truss-West, Research Senior Manager
How to use this report
The ORX Cyber Risk Horizon report and the supporting Emerging Cyber Threat Deep Dive report can be used in a number of ways to support your cyber risk management activities, including:
Understanding/documenting industry views on emerging threats
These reports include a comprehensive overview of what the industry considers the threat outlook to be including key risk drivers, primary impacts and threat actors, and common risk management actions. This data can be used to support internal assessments of cyber threats.
Threat prioritisation
The data on likelihood of materialising and exposure outlook can be used to support threat prioritisation activities, highlighting emerging threats that are viewed as increasing or particularly likely to occur.
Cyber scenario analysis
Our in-depth analysis of emerging cyber threats can be used as part of cyber scenario workshops, helping to highlight potential threats that have not yet materialised for your firm, supporting storyline development, and potential risk drivers. The likelihood and exposure data along with the primary impacts can also be used to help support quantification of scenario estimates.
Cyber risk management
Our analysis also includes details of actions firms are taking in response to these emerging threats, which can be incorporated into your own processes.
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Simon Johnson
Head of Services, ORX

Nikki Truss-West
Research Senior Manager - Cyber, ORX

Emilie Odin
Senior Research Manager, ORX
ORX Cyber
Our service dedicated to supporting cyber risk professionals in the second line of defence.