Scenario Forum 2023

Thursday 19 October 2023


Join your scenario peers to share ideas, knowledge and experiences
Operational risk scenario analysis is experiencing a period of change driven by several significant developments, including:
- The move to SMA
- The increasingly diverse use of scenario analysis
- The growing search for efficiency and integration
To meet this strategic shift, ORX Scenarios ran a dedicated Scenario Forum. The forum provided a space for focused discussions on how scenario analysis can be an integral part of financial institutions’ active and optimised risk management as they contend with increasingly complex exposures both now and in the future.
This event was free for ORX Scenarios subscribers and ORX members.
Preparing for the future
This year’s participant-led agenda focused on preparing for the future – specifically, the practical steps that institutions are taking to respond to the current challenges facing scenario practice. Both sessions covered the same agenda and focused on three areas:
1. Changing practice: Implementing scenarios for risk management
This panel-led session explored how firms are evolving their scenario programmes to meet new risk management expectations, and what the key challenges and solutions are on the way to meeting these expectations.
2. Changing risks: AI and scenario analysis
This session was led by industry expert, Michael Grimwade, and focused on AI as one of the key emerging risks impacting firms’ current and future scenario programmes and portfolios. It aimed to understand what the industry needs in order to manage the risks and opportunities presented by AI.
3. Changing strategy: Where is practice heading?
Led by senior industry figures, this session explored the future direction of travel of scenario analysis from a strategic and wider industry perspective, considering what skills and deliverables the ideal scenario team will be expected to need and produce.

Gated content start
The Scenario Forum is an invitation-only event for ORX Scenarios subscribers and members of ORX.
Interested in attending?
If your firm subscribes to ORX Scenarios or is a member of ORX, log in or register to find out more and sign up for the event.
Not a member or subscriber? If you'd like to know more about this event or to enquire if you might be able to attend, contact us.