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Discussion session on DORA readiness and implementation

In preparation for the 2025 implementation deadline, ORX are facilitating a member discussion on DORA implementation. We will run two separate sessions with the same agenda.

What's on the agenda?

The sessions will cover DORA implementation and readiness. Appreciating that we cannot cover the full regulatory framework in 1.5 hours, the sessions will focus on key topics selected by registered attendees.

To help influence and shape the agenda, we will invite you to complete a brief survey once you have registered to attend the event.

The full agenda will be announced prior to the event.

Register today  


Speech Bubbles Reversed Cyan

Op risk

topics and discussions



your practice



from your peers

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This event is open to ORX members and ORX Cyber subscribers only

If your firm is an ORX member or ORX Cyber subscriber, log in or register to view the full details.

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