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ORX LeadersConnect Live event - Day 1-436

Discuss developments, challenges, and solutions with our CCAR community of risk professionals

Following the success of our 2023 CCAR roundtable in Boston, we are pleased to be hosting our 2024 in-person CCAR roundtable in New York – providing an opportunity for our community of CCAR practitioners to network and discuss the CCAR stress test.

Kindly hosted by New York-based ORX member firm, Wells Fargo, this dedicated roundtable will once again be a valuable opportunity to discuss the upcoming CCAR exercise, explore matters relating to methodology, and share best practices with your peers.



with a regional network

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operational risk



from your peers

What's on the agenda?

We'll develop the agenda with our CCAR community over the coming weeks and share more details as they're available. To enable our members to participate as actively as possible, we will also build in time for member-led discussions, interactive discussions as a group, and networking time.

The agenda topics will include:

  • Basel III endgame
  • Material risk coverage
  • Evolution of structured scenarios for CCAR

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The CCAR Roundtable is open to all ORX members and the CCAR Community

Interested in attending?

If your firm is a member of ORX or part of the CCAR Community, log in or register to find out more and sign up for the event.

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Not an ORX member? If you'd like to know more about this event or to enquire if you might be able to attend, please contact us.

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