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Insights into Material Risks 2023

Download the free summary report

Uncover the key trends in operational risk scenario practice with this complimentary summary report from ORX Scenarios.

This free summary contains highlights from the Insights into Material Risks 2023 report on operational risk scenario practice and portfolios.

The full report was created using data and insights contributed by 65 financial institutions that share information to the Scenario Library. The library is a database of operational risk scenarios, which allows subscribers to benchmark their internal scenarios against the industry.

Download the free summary report for vital insights and highlights, including:

  • Comparison and composition scenario library
  • Key trends in the 2023 library
  • What next for scenario portfolios

Insights into Material Risks 2023 Ipad graphic (2)

“Containing over 1000 scenarios covering the full spectrum of operational risk types, the 2023 ORX Scenario Library shows that institutions’ key concerns
focus predominantly on a combination of Information Security, Conduct and Fraud threats."

Insights into Material Risks, ORX Scenarios