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Speak to us about ORX Scenarios

Save time and money on your scenario programme

Book a 30-minute consultation with our team to find out more about ORX Scenarios.

In the call we'll cover:

  • Your risk management objectives
  • An overview of what's included in the service
  • How you can use ORX Scenarios to support your scenarios programme
  • Answers to any questions you have and next steps

Why subscribe to ORX Scenarios?

Scenarios are a key factor in measuring and managing operational risk across the financial services industry. ORX Scenarios gives scenario practitioners practical tools and information to help them create and review operational risk scenarios. It helps you save time and money and develop your scenario practice

Through ORX Scenarios, you'll become part of an active global community of operational risk scenario experts who meet regularly to discuss current challenges facing the industry

“The resources are massively helpful and received exceptionally well in the wider risk community.”

ORX Scenarios subscriber

Eight ways we can help you achieve your scenario objectives

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Use the 1000+ scenarios in the Scenario Library when developing a new scenario or reviewing an existing scenario

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Use our step-by-step workbooks and handbooks to save you time and money when developing and reviewing operational risk scenarios

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Use our Scenario Development Handbooks to lead you through the process of developing scenarios on challenging risk types

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Use our Scenario Analysis Workbooks to compare our example scenarios to your live scenarios and ensure all key components have been included

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Use our Portfolio Benchmark and Focus Reports to review your material scenario portfolio, for gap analysis and to compare with peers

Certified Cyan

Use our Scenario Landscape reports to understand the key scenario trends and data points across the industry

Certified Cyan

Use our Practice Benchmarks to review, challenge and improve your current scenario process

Certified Cyan

Use our global community of scenario experts to share knowledge and experiences and discuss challenges


Book a short consultation to us to find out more

Speak to us today