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Buy the Top Risk Review H1 2024

Monitoring the operational risk landscape with ORX

The Top Risk Review surveys individuals on their personal views of the most significant current material risks impacting the industry. The study also dives into the key drivers of these risks and how they change over time.

Buy the Top Risk Review today to make sure you've got the right risks on your agenda. The report is available to purchase for just £1000.  All you need to do is fill in the form and we'll send you an invoice for the report. Once you've paid, we'll send a digital copy of the report.

You can use Top Risk Review to validate and challenge your risk profile against the 16 material risks assessed, with a focus on the top 5 material risks identified with effectiveness of risk management practices. 

What's in the H1 2024 Top Risk Review?

Top Risk Review Booklet H1 2024 1

The report provides up-to-date insights into the current top operational risks facing the financial services industry, with results based on the personal opinions of risk professionals from across our global membership of financial firms.

What's in the report?

  • Headline findings and key themes
  • Details on top risk movement over time
  • An individual focus on each of the top five risks
  • A special section on growing reliance on third parties
  • Key drivers of each risk
  • Regional and industry breakdowns
  • An illustration of the distribution of scores across all 16 risks


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Payment options

ORX currently accepts payment of invoice by bank transfer or the following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Maestro and American Express. All credit card transactions processed are handled by PayPal.

How to use the report

The Top Risk Review can be used in a number of ways to support your operational risk function, including:


The Top Risk Review has been designed around the ORX Operational Risk Reference Taxonomy. Use this report to benchmark your views on material risks against the rest of the industry, as well as consider how they could impact your current risk profile.


(including actions being taken)

Our in-depth analysis of material risk factors highlights specific insights from members, including region or industry. These insights can be used to help shape future risk initiatives, such as scenario planning, operational resilience developments, or risk quantification. Our analysis also includes details of actions firms are taking in response to these threats, which can be incorporated into your own processes. 

Risk drivers and impacts

Our detailed appendices include lists of risk drivers and current/planned management actions for each risk category. Use these resources to help understand an document your emerging risks for your senior stakeholders.
Speech Bubbles Cyan
"The increased use of, and reliance on, third party providers is driving a range of concerns and challenges across a range of risk areas, notably Information Security (incl. Cyber), Business Continuity, Data Management, Technology and Regulatory Compliance."

ORX Top Risk Review H1 2024


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